years of Creating strength.

Our Purpose

MMC‘s purpose statement is: Creating strength.

One of the key functions of manganese as an alloying element is to provide strength and hardness to various grades of steel, aluminium, welding consumables and certain non-ferrous alloys. 

By being a reliable supplier of consistent high purity and high quality manganese, MMC is creating strength on a daily basis. And not only for our customers, but we are also creating strength in the lives of MMC’s employees, its local community and its valued suppliers.

Fundamental to creating strength is the shared values we believe in and practice:

Providing our customers with quality products on time


A safe working


Treating people
with respect

A sustainable

15 Heyneke Street, Industrial Area, Mbombela
PO Box 323, Mbombela, 1200, South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)13 759 4600
Fax: +27 (0)13 752 7657

Creating strength.

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